Since the Great Recession, France has frozen its national minimum wage. By contrast, some OECD countries have significantly raised their minimum wages at the national or local levels; Germany has even introduced a Mindestlohn in 2015. This workshop will draw, for academic and non-academic audiences, the main lessons from these significant changes, and discuss the perspectives of a European minimum wage.
Presentation Slides:
Garnero: Minimum Wages Across OECD Countries: Back to the Future?
National minimum wages
Bryson: From the Minimum Wage to the Living Wage
Bossler: Employment Effects of the New German Minimum Wage
Local minimum wages
Montialoux: What Can We Learn From Recent Minimum Wage Increases in the US?
Kambayashi: Minimum Wage in Japan:
Institutional Aspects and its Consequences
Round table: towards a European Minimum Wage?