Nous sommes heureux de vous annoncer la parution de l’édition 2023 de notre ouvrage annuel sur le bien-être en France ! Vous pouvez maintenant le télécharger et retrouver la conférence de présentation.
Régions de France a par ailleurs lancé, et pour tout le mois de juin, une vaste enquête en ligne sur le bien-être et les aspirations des lycéennes et lycéens. Nous sommes partenaires de cette enquête : n’hésitez surtout pas à diffuser l’annonce autour de vous !
Le Bien-être en France, Rapport 2023
Le 30 mai dernier, nous avons dévoilé l’édition 2023 de notre rapport annuel sur le bien-être en France. Ce quatrième rapport annuel de l’Observatoire du bien-être du Cepremap retrace l’évolution du bien-être des Français sur l’année, évolution marquée par une inquiétude croissante quant à l’avenir du pays.
Nous parcourons ensuite les thèmes du dérèglement climatique, facteur d’inquiétude mais aussi de clivage politique dans les réponses à apporter, du travail, qui au-delà du revenu est un facteur de sens, et de l’évolution contrastée des différentes dimensions du bien-être selon l’âge.
Enfin, si le pessimisme et la nostalgie des Français se confirment, ils ne semblent pas pour autant habités par un désir de changement radical de modèle : c’est majoritairement en France qu’ils souhaitent vivre. Ils ne sont pas les seuls : la France figure parmi les cinq destinations les plus souhaitées par les candidats à la migration. Ainsi, en 2023, la France fait toujours rêver.
Téléchargez le rapport et retrouvez la conférence de présentation.
Maintien des services dans les territoires – Le cas de La Poste
Cette étude porte spécifiquement sur la présence de La Poste au sein des communes françaises, mais illustre plus généralement l’impact de l’aménagement des territoires sur le bien-être et les comportements politiques des habitants.
Elle révèle que les transformations de bureau de poste ont permis de stabiliser l’activité bancaire et l’activité postale qui étaient en forte baisse, sans occasionner d’impact négatif sur le bien-être local des habitants d’une commune, en étant au contraire associées à une moindre abstention aux élections présidentielles sur la période 2012-2022, et à une moindre probabilité d’événements Gilets jaunes en novembre 2018.
Fize, Étienne, et Claudia Senik. « Maintien des services dans les territoires – Le cas de La Poste ». Notes de l’Observatoire du bien-être. Paris: Cepremap, 13 mai 2024.
Bien être des jeunes dans les Régions : lancement d’une enquête nationale
Depuis plus d’un an, nous accompagnons Régions de France dans la conception d’une enquête sur le bien-être et les aspirations des jeunes. Une première vague donne désormais la parole aux lycéennes et lycéens. N’hésitez pas à la diffuser autour de vous.
Sur le web
An OECD survey of employee well-being
Abstract: This working paper provides an overview of a standardised Employee Well-being Survey implemented in four companies in Japan. This survey aligns with international measurement guidelines and practices, including the 2017 OECD Guidelines on Measuring the Quality of the Working Environment, it has been developed under the guidance of the Committee on Statistics and Statistical Policy, and it allows for the calculation at firm level of an equivalent of the Job Strain index, namely the third pillar of the OECD Job Quality framework. The objectives of the study were: i) to pilot the new Employee Well-being Survey at the firm level; ii) to demonstrate the potential of harmonised employee survey data as a source of information on business social performance, with associated benefits for companies, stakeholders, investors, governments and national statistical offices; and iii) to operationalise one element of a proposed framework on measuring non-financial performance of businesses.
Siegerink, V. and F. Murtin (2024), “An OECD survey of employee well-being: An instrument to measure employee well-being inside companies”, OECD Papers on Well-being and Inequalities, No. 24, OECD Publishing, Paris,
French Validation of Pinel’s Stigma Consciousness Questionnaire Among Unemployed People: Links with Well-Being, Motivation, objective Job Search Behavior, and Access to Employment
Abstract: Previous studies have shown that unemployed people carry a highly negative stigma. We examined whether their anticipation of being stigmatized, measured as stigma consciousness, predicted core psychological processes, objective job search behavior, and access to employment both after three months. We first translated the Stigma Consciousness Questionnaire (Pinel, 1999), which was originally designed for women, gay and Black people, into French, and adapted it to a population of jobseekers. We then sent a survey to a large and representative sample of unemployed people (N = 30,000; nrespondents = 2,055). Responses were linked to administrative databases of the French Public Employment Service to assess if stigma consciousness predicted objective job search behavior and access to employment. The scale showed good psychometric properties. Controlling for important confounders, stigma consciousness negatively predicted well-being, reported health, and life satisfaction, and positively predicted social and identified-regulated motivation to (re)work. Three months post-survey, stigma consciousness predicted increased job search efforts among jobseekers who had been unemployed for at least one year. However, this more intensive job search did not result in increased reemployment after three or five months. Our results depict active long-term jobseekers trying to manage their stigma by pursuing an individual mobility strategy, which did not lead to regaining employment. This could potentially increase their stigma consciousness, further deteriorating their well-being, health, and life satisfaction, in turn negatively affecting their ability to work, suggesting a detrimental cycle where stigma consciousness is a crucial factor.
Marie, Charly, Charlotte Rauscher, Morgane Hoffmann, Pierre Bouchat, and David Bourguignon. 2024. “French Validation of Pinel’s Stigma Consciousness Questionnaire Among Unemployed People: Links with Well-being, Motivation, Objective Job Search Behavior, and Access to Employment.” PsyArXiv. May 7. doi:10.31234/
Principaux enseignements de la consultation citoyenne « Equilibre de vie personnelle / vie professionnelle » du CESE
Résumé : Le Conseil Economique Social et Environnemental (CESE), troisième assemblée de la République, a été chargé par le Gouvernement de rendre des préconisations sur les évolutions récentes du monde du travail, et leur impact sur l’équilibre vie professionnelle/vie personnelle. La consultation Equilibre de vie s’inscrit dans le cadre d’une mission confiée par la première ministre au CESE en date du 23 octobre 2023. Celle-ci fait suite notamment à la recommandation numéro 6 du rapport qui a été remis au gouvernement dans le cadre des assises du travail. La concertation a pour objectif d’identifier « la meilleure organisation à inventer pour un meilleur équilibre vie professionnelle/vie personnelle , qu’il s’agisse de l’organisation du temps de travail, du lieu du travail, de la question de la déconnexion, du rôle des managers »… L’organisation des temps de travail est-elle un facteur d’insatisfaction ? L’aspiration à des organisations alternatives est-elle perceptible dans la population qui s’est exprimée ?
Hoibian, Sandra, Charlotte Millot, Sarah Nedjar-Calvet, et Arnaud Wolff. 2024. « Principaux enseignements de la consultation citoyenne « Equilibre de vie personnelle / vie professionnelle » du CESE ». Sou2023-4929. Sourcing Crédoc. Paris: Crédoc.
Antecedents of subjective well-being at work – the case of French permanent employees
We empirically assessed the antecedents of subjective well-being at work for French permanent employees.
The methodology includes qualitative and quantitative data analyses. In the first phase, interviews elicited the antecedents of subjective well-being at work among permanent French employees. In the second phase, a questionnaire survey was used to confirm the relevance of the antecedents uncovered in the first phase.
We found 14 distinct elements that influence French employees’ subjective well-being at work: corporate culture, job dissonance, relationships with colleagues, achievement, professional development, relationships with superiors, status, workload, perks, feedback, workspace, diversity and pay. Moreover, we identified discrete antecedents for the three components of subjective well-being at work: work achievement and relationships with superiors and colleagues for positive emotions at work, job dissonance and workload for negative emotions at work and organizational culture and professional development for satisfaction with one’s work.
Orsini, Philippe, Toru Uchida, Remy Magnier-Watanabe, Caroline Benton, et Kimihiko Nagata. 2024. « Antecedents of subjective well-being at work – the case of French permanent employees ». Evidence-based HRM: a Global Forum for Empirical Scholarship ahead-of-print (ahead-of-print).
Physical pain: A key component of Subjective Well-Being
Abstract: Physical pain has been traditionally regarded as a body sensation. Most recently, physical pain has been considered an important human feeling. Subjective Well-Being (SWB) is a self-reported metric of well-being and involves different components including life satisfaction, positive and negative affect, and sense of fulfilment in life. This piece argues that physical pain should be considered a component of Subjective Well-Being. Physical pain and the current indicators of SWB have critical features in common that support the inclusion of physical pain in the conceptualization of SWB. Despite the similarities, none of the present measures of SWB are perfect proxies for pain. This underscores the potential of physical pain to capture aspects overlooked by the existing components of SWB. Considering physical pain a component of SWB can help researchers and policymakers to better understand individuals’ well-being and to advance the field in the coming decades.
Macchia, Lucía, (2024), Physical pain: A key component of Subjective Well-Being, No fpsut, OSF Preprints, Center for Open Science.
Beyond grades: Raising the visibility and impact of PISA data on students’ well-being
Abstract: Students are much more than their grades. Beyond performing well in school, students must learn to manage their relationships with others, confront stress, find purpose in what they do, and deal with a series of factors oftentimes beyond their control – all of this, during a particularly sensitive period of their lives. How they do across all these dimensions of life shapes their well-being, which in turn affects their school performance and their life outcomes beyond school. In 2015, PISA broke new ground by including indicators of student well-being alongside traditional measures of academic performance. However, the data on student well-being often remain overshadowed by country and economy scores in mathematics, science, and reading – traditionally considered the primary outputs of PISA.This paper presents a proposal to increase the visibility and policy impact of PISA indicators on well-being, by organising them in thematic areas and presenting them through data visualisations that respond to the needs of different kinds of users. The proposed PISA dashboard on students’ well-being has the potential to offer policy makers, educators, parents, and other stakeholders a comparative perspective on how well schools are fostering the essential foundations for students to lead fulfilling lives.
Cignetti, Marta and Piacentini, Mario, (2024), Beyond grades: Raising the visibility and impact of PISA data on students’ well-being, No 313, OECD Education Working Papers, OECD Publishing.
Life satisfaction, subjective wealth, and adaptation to vulnerability in the Russian Federation during 2002-2019
Abstract: We offer the first study on vulnerability adaptation to subjective well-being, using rich panel data over the past two decades for Russia. We found no adaption to vulnerability for life satisfaction and subjective wealth, with longer vulnerability spells associated with more negative subjective welfare. Some evidence indicates that despite little differences between urban and rural areas in life satisfaction, rural areas exhibit a more robust lack of adaptation for subjective wealth, particularly for longer durations of vulnerability. More education generally indicates a stronger lack of adaptation for life satisfaction, but similar levels of adaptation for subjective wealth.
Dang, Hai-Anh, Abanokova, Kseniya Abanokova and Lokshin, Michael, (2023), Life satisfaction, subjective wealth, and adaptation to vulnerability in the Russian Federation during 2002-2019, LSE Research Online Documents on Economics, London School of Economics and Political Science, LSE Library.
Life Satisfaction and Inequality in Slovakia: The Role of Income, Consumption and Wealth
Abstract: In recent years, a small number of studies have emphasized that subjective well-being of individuals depends not only on income but also consumption and wealth. However, only a few have examined the influence of all three variables simultaneously. Empirical studies have also analyzed the role of self-centered and community-centered inequalities but the inclusion of both measures in the same specification is scarce. In a departure from much of the existing literature, this paper analyzes concurrently the influence of all three economic well-being indicators and both types of inequalities on subjective well-being. We find that absolute levels of income, consumption and wealth all have a significant positive effect that remains robust even after the inclusion of self-centered and community-centered inequalities in the regression equations. The evidence indicates that both types of inequalities are important considerations for subjective well-being, but with different influences. Self-centered inequality measured using reference group average has a positive signalling effect, while inequality defined by the position of an individual within the distribution of the relevant economic well-being indicator has a negative comparison effect. Whereas community-centered inequality in income has a positive signalling effect, consumption and wealth inequalities have a negative comparison effect.
Banerjee, Biswajit and Toth, Peter, Life Satisfaction and Inequality in Slovakia: The Role of Income, Consumption and Wealth, No WP 1/2024, Working and Discussion Papers, Research Department, National Bank of Slovakia.