Avec Keynes et les (pré-)(post-)Kéynésiens
With Keynes and (pre)(post)Keynesian economists

Crise et sortie de crise. Ordre et désordres néolibérauxOuvrir (2000) : Ch. 22, Une lecture keynésienne
Being postKeynesian in the medium term and classical-Marxian in the long term? (2012) Ouvrir
A Note on Godley-Lavoie Monetary Macroeconomics (2012) Ouvrir
A Reply to Amitava Dutt. The role of aggregate demand in the long term (2012) Ouvrir
Modeling monetary macroeconomics: Kalecki reconsidered (2012) Ouvrir
Pre-Keynesian Themes at Brookings (1999) Ouvrir
Being Keynesian in the Short Term and Classical in the Long Term: The Traverse to Classical Long-Term Equilibrium (1999) Ouvrir
A Post-Keynesian Long-Term Equilibrium with Equalized Profit Rates? A Rejoinder to Amitava Dutt's Synthesis (1995) Ouvrir
Being Keynesian in the Short Term and Classical in the Long Term: The Traverse to Classical Long-Term Equilibrium (1994) Ouvrir
Marx et Keynes face à la crise (1981) Ouvrir

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